As I was on the elliptical this morning doing my morning workout, I played virtual dress up in my mind. I wanted to make smart choices for my 30x30 challenge so I wouldn't run out of steam later. I think the wool check mini goes well with the burgundy pullover, and both are pieces I can easily remix later. I have no idea what inspired me to pull out my scuba blazer, which I bought a month ago and have only worn once. The blazer fits a bit big, and so I've shied away from wearing it. I guess I was subconsciously trying to force myself to find ways to make this work. When I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror at work, I wasn't sure if I liked this pairing. It might be a bit too much? Clashing colors? I'm not sure...still trying to make a judgement myself. Thoughts? I would love to hear your honest opinion, really!